About the Author

 I am Grace McDonald. I am currently attending highschool in the lovely desert state of Arizona. I am 16.

Young may I appear but full of hope and curiosity as I seek answers from heaven above. I've always been fascinated by history especially when it came down to biblical theology. I love hearing others viewpoints on the ways people lived during the biblical times. Yet most still see me as a young flower awaiting for my chance to fully bloom. I love others and I know God loves me through this I seek to teach others of his endless love. I tend to get mocked a-lot for my morals, and beliefs; my writings and methods to some seem over dramatic or unneeded. Many do not take me seriously as they classify me as inexperienced due to my age. Pearl S. Buck  an American novelist once said "The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation." Is it not taught that the young are most influenced to find their identity in society and when attempt to fit in we create this new perspective of conformity where everyone is thriving and changing their life styles to be accepted. I am here to say enough is enough we are young we have the strength and together with Gods guidance we can gain the courage to truly be ourselves and not care others opinion of who we are. I want to follow my dreams to be in ministry as well educate myself more on my nations and God's past. I am a teen "Jesus Freak" I am not ashamed of my image, voice or God. I tend to volunteer a-lot for my school and community through multiple organizations. I am active in my church youth group and attend Young-Life an non-profit organization which is an christian outreach program for teenagers. I love all whom approach me no matter what harm they may attempt to do or have done to me. I pray I will always turn the other cheek and remain humble. What I am trying to do now through this blog is to prepare myself for the future by educating myself in today's current events and politics. As my favorite American President once said "I will prepare and some day my chance will come" , Abraham Lincoln. 

Another thing you may have noticed about me I have horrible grammar and I apologize but as much as I try to improve my spelling and grammar skills I always seem to have mistakes.  I hope my literary faults don't distract you from my true purpose of this blog to share with others my political and christian views and just let the public now how much God truly cares for them! 

Hope you Enjoy Reading my Blog, remember I'm kinda new at this so forgive me if I have any mistakes on here feedback is always appreciated!! 

God Bless! 

           Grace xoxo 

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