Saturday, August 30, 2014


      To Have Faith Like A Child

                   People say there's nothing more humbling than a child's innocence then why does this world try so hard to take it all away? A little's one faith is the greatest sight you will ever see. They don't need to be persuaded by any rehearsed routine for they humbly follow the one who shows them love. They follow their care-takers with such honesty and curiosity; they are dependent on them for daily needs. I tell you one should want nothing more than to have faith like a child. To never stop losing your interest in Christ. To have such a need for his word that without it you’d be not only defenseless but helpless is so amazing. Be constant in his word for everything we need to carry on through those rocky turbulence flights is placed out in-front of us. God expresses his love to us daily in a million different ways sometimes he even uses other people to brighten your day and reflect his presence. Something mentioned that often must be important and needs to be shared with others, as Christians were called to scatter God’s love across the nations and to assure them that they don’t need to be in constant fright of what tomorrow will bring. I want you to literally let “Jesus Take the Wheel” in your life. Let God guide your steps for as children we seemed to have followed every step out of wonder, now being older we follow out of fear of being left alone. I encourage you to regain that youthful love for Christ be curious about his word once again! You never know it may open doors you never thought could be unlocked…

Matthew 18:3-4
      "Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children,* you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
 Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Luke 18:16
    But Jesus called them [unto him], and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Matthew 4:4

      But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed out of the mouth of God.
If Our God Is For Us Than What Can Stand  Against Us? 
- Chris Tomlin 

Philippians 4:13 tells us that “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. This is probably one of the most cliche bible verses ever known. It is so over-used by the Christian community. But why is this the go to phrase when one is trying to recruit another to experience the love of Christ? Why do we automatically think of this verse when one questions are faith or stability in Christ? Why do we as a body cling to these words oh so tightly hoping that one day it will all be reveled? When did we as a body become so blind! We don’t need to wait for the Lords return to realize what his message is telling us. He provided us with an example on how to live and we’re abusing it every day by following our own selfish ways. I should know for I too took advantage of the sacrifice God had laid out for us, everyone has. If you have ever sinned or placed your own needs before a fellow brother than you have experienced the shame that we has humans have placed upon ourselves. But do not run and hide with fear, for God does not want us to simply run away when we believe we have failed him over and over again. He wants us to cling to him cling to his words his promises his commandments, his love so we can realize that he will forgive are transgressions. When in doubt we as a body result in quoting this verse I believe because we know that deep down our God is the greatest that nothing can nor will ever defeat him and to accept that means you have to accept the fact that we must let go of our handle on life and let God take control. It’s quite amazing to know that the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus Christ the messiah from his brutal death has the opportunity to live in you. Wow. This is why we as Christians love this phrase so much, I fear though we have come to say it too often that we have lost the true perspective of what its values truly mean. “I can do all things through Christ who Strengthens me”, “I” meaning me, us, the church as a whole who can accomplish whatever task they desire if they are willing to give their lives away to the almighty. If you accept his overwhelming power and love then he will bless you with the needed strength to overcome your battles. We can’t do anything on our own; we are in need of a community who’s reliant on the bread of God. For without God in your life nothing will ever truly be fulfilled. God can give us the strength to conjure our pain, our battles, our bullies and all our struggles all we need to do is let him in. Don’t take his love for granted, I urge you to pray to him right now ask him: What do I need to change in my life to be truly filled with your grace and mercy? What do I need to do to receive your strength for me to overcome my enemies’? He’s by your side day and night waiting for you to call him out, waiting for you to make the decision to rely on him. The question is: are you willing to let go? 

Sunday, July 27, 2014



Made to be Courageous

We were made to be courageous in everything we do. Courage means something different to each person. To me someone having courage is an example of an act of love. One can not commit an act of bravery without having a purpose in the act itself. David did not ask King Solomon if he could fight the giant simply because it was fun, he did it because he saw his nation was in a time of need, in distress he knew with his Gods guidance he’d be able to help. David loved his home and wanted nothing but his brothers to win for the lord even after how horribly they all treated and doubted him for his size and little experience. That takes bravery to go against everything your community and family is saying of you. David knew his purpose wasn’t to prove them wrong but to sacrifice his safety to show them the amount of love he had for them all. God knew David’s merciful heart and blessed him with the win and he had defeated the giant making it a glorious day for all indeed. Not everything you do has to be sacrificial and dangerous in order to be considered brave. Simply giving up a piece of your time or your wallet for example shows that you have compassion for another’s needs and that is a trait you never want to lose. God promises us that if we are filed with his spirit and do nothing but rely on his word that his promises to us will one day be fulfilled then we can’t be shaken! To do nothing but rely on God takes courage thankfully we don’t have to do this alone for he handles it all with us; all we have to do is make the jump. Heights can be freighting believe me I know but once you realize there’s no other way to go on in life fully pleased and joyful/excited you have to give it to God. Gain the courage to jump by fulfilling yourself with his love. The same love David had which gave him the courage to kill the giant that was endangering his home. For David knew that no matter how the situation turned out he would be covered by God alone. God doesn’t tell us that everything in our life will be the way we want and peaceful for there will be pain there will be doubt and sorrow but he asks us to have the courage to believe that he can get us through them. Courage isn’t a tool that the media has gotten us to believe is deep inside us that we can only gain by experiencing thrills in life no courage is an act of love and redemption that you can only have if you know what your goal and purpose is. If you want your purpose to love others under Gods name are willing to allow him to change your life for the better? I ask you to not be in fright no longer for God can give you that peace of assurance and rush on life, you no longer have to be afraid to be alone or make the wrong decision for his way may not make us perfect but it does give us the ability to see ourselves in a whole new perspective. Admitting that you have sin in your life and that you need to walk away take a lot of courage.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Pro Life or Pro Choice?

Man has this topic divided our great nation for decades. Abortion still to this day our government struggles to come to a stance as weather it should be legal or not to “abort” a child. Pro-Choice I can understand where their supporters are coming from. Most supporters of Pro-Choice are women who have been victims of sexual harassment or rape and then there's some whom are just financially  unable to raise a child. I get it you don’t want your life to change you have a plan and this baby was not apart of it or maybe you just couldn't provide for their greater good you had to make the tough decision your life or theirs? Well I’m sorry to say that is not a decision for you to make. As much as you feel its your choice, your right since this is America land of the free speech and will but that baby was placed upon you for whatever reason no matter how much pain you may encounter don't you feel as a mother its your duty to at least deliver the child. Am I saying to keep the child no if you truly do not feel emotionally stable enough or financially capable to properly raise the child then I beg you give him/her to someone who does (Adoption). It is not your choice to take away that babies chance to breathe. Oh but it’s not a baby the doctor says.. really? Really? Were you not a child of God before you entered your mothers whom? Did he not carve every part of your body, hair and soul before you were even conceived. This world is a privilege you were given it before you even deserved it, the ugly truth is none of us deserve this world, this chance to find our identity and be among community and fellowship with others yet God wanted to see us happy, he wanted us to experience his creation his masterpiece. If you are his masterpiece then what does that make that baby that is growing inside of you? From week one to month 9 that baby is God’s masterpiece, his child his joy his light you are turning such a blessing into darkness. What if your parents were going through such a hard struggle and decided your life would have been better if you never had to experience it… you would of never had the chance to make the choice in front of you now. You say its your free will yet in reality you don’t even realize whom’s will to it belongs. I do not hate any of you mothers or families for believing as you do for again aren't we the nation of the free? But I pray brothers and sisters do not let your ego and desire to plan your own future blind you from the darkness and sin that leaks upon us. I plead to you pay attention to the light that is desperate to enter your viewpoint. Awaken I cry!! Hear the heavenly father whom has given you breathe in this life the same whom can take it away in an instant.. Their should not be a debate between pro-life or choice at all, everyone has a right to their own opinion but mock my words children should have the right to live their life with or without you for this is God’s decision not yours. Think about it do you really think us humans of such great filth, lies, and deceit that we are could ever come close to any completion with God the  almighty creator of the universe and your soul?? 



Jeremiah 1:5 

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.”

Proverbs 16:3-4 

"Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. The Lord has made everything for its purpose, even the wicked for the day of trouble."

Psalm 139:13-16  "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you,when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."

John 16:21 
When a woman is giving birth, she has sorrow because her hour has come, but when she has delivered the baby, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world.

Matthew 5:21
"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, 'You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.'

Home Sick

Home Sickness 

Why am I so homesick? For no it is not my household that I long to enter, for nothing created by man in this world do I desire to cling to. My wish is to be at my true home for this world is not where I belong. Now some may be thinking oh good heavens this girl is suicidal, no I must assure you that I do not have any attentions to kill myself, for simply what I mean is that I can not wait until I am away from this sinful universe and be placed by my fathers side in heaven. You see God is my home, and oh how hard is it too truly connect with your "hometown" with all these sinful, and earthly distractions. Every act I make that is against God's will pulls me farther and farther away from home. So therefore I am "home-sick". You see God says to us that we can keep in touch with him on Earth through his holy spirit, apart of him can walk in us! All we must do is pick up our crosses daily and follow him, sounds simple right? One may think so, it takes so much strength to follow God the amazing thing though is we don't have to do it along for our strength if we allow it comes from God. Yet you do have to leave everything that blackens your soul behind you honestly if your not willing to give that life of sin up then its going to be so impossible to gain in touch with your hometown. You see there is so many people in this world that suffer from Home-Sickness and don't even realize it; every sin they make drawls them farther from the gates of home-the gates of heaven. There's nothing God wants more than to see his child return home to him, but he can't force us to return (well he can he's just so awesome he lets us decided for ourselves). Cure your craving to return to your makers presence by using the resources he gave us to be able to keep in touch with him. Read his word it does give us a sense as to what he wants us to do, how to follow him, how to be an example and educate others of their home that awaits them if they desire it. Pray to him for he always listens if you hear him or not he's there, he's everywhere you may not like what he has to offer; but man is it a pleasant feeling to know you have a connection with the God of the universe!! You see through prayer, love and becoming  familiar in God's word homesickness will never be as hard as it once was for you. Shall we pray a prayer of guidance? Let us ask our great savior to give us patience in our time of loneliness and confusion. Lord as we stumble we yearn more and more to learn. To learn of your promises that we are impatiently waiting to be fulfilled. Provide us with your given peace so we can please you as your will allows. Our wish is to be by our creators side yet we know you want us to stay here at least for today anyway. You have placed us to serve, so again Lord we cry out to you oh we plead to thee give us the desire to follow all your pathways that we may come across until it is time for us to return home for we pray Lord that one day you will take us and all of our fellow brothers and sisters to where we belong. 

My brothers and sisters do not be frightened when you are uncertain of what is to come, for nothing is greater than our heavenly farther.. 

Genesis 28:15

"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

Jeremiah 29:11-12

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you."

"By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you."

Be patient for our homecoming will be worth the wait! 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

God is an Awesome and Loving God Even to the LGBT Community

God is an Awesome and Loving God Even to the LGBT Community

I am sorry if the Christian community has hurt any of you in any way. Please though do not judge us all the same, for the Christians that say “God Hates Gays” don’t understand Gods true purpose and sacrifice. GOD DOES NOT HATE GAYS. He loves them just like he loves any Christian. For God does not pick favorites he uses each person in a different way. God is the only one who has the right to judge any of us for he has committed no sin unlike all of humanity whom is full of regret, liars, cheaters, etc. God knows he is above us yet he sent his ONLY son to come down to our world in HUMAN FORM so that we can see he placed apart of himself to our level.  God’s love is unconditional he will come to you with open arms there is nothing you can do- NOTHING- that will ever make him stop loving you. Now some things we do may disappoint him but he is still there waiting for us to allow him in so HE can PROVIDE US COMFORT. God does not want to force himself on us for if he did he would not be a loving, merciful God, yet he gave humanity the choice to follow him. He gave humanity the choice.. HE GAVE US ARE OWN FREE WILL. Yet all society seems to care about these days is how can we manipulate his word to prove my message correct, how can I use God to make that person look unjust, how can I use JESUS CHRIST to make me look better than others? YOU CAN’T! Now I’m not saying to ignore Gods message for God does say that certain actions are unjust for we are to not kill, cheat on, or lie amongst one another. Yet we commit lustful actions with others that our not our spouses anyway. Lust can be determined in many different ways in today’s society lust is a form of sexual temptation. Whether it’s a man and women, man-man, or women-women if it’s not in the aspects of unity under Gods name then it is not of him therefore considered evil and will be given punishment by God alone. Every action every thought every desire has an effect or consequence yet with God he provides second chances, for if you are willing to seat along his side and be cared upon day and night you must ADMIT YOUR SINS THEN QUITE THEM. Now I know NOBODYS PERFECT.. but you can’t use the fact that you are human as an excuse to live in sin. A mother loves her son or daughter sacrificially. For if you were to run away with your boyfriend/girlfriend and leave her without notice wouldn’t that break her heart? How could you be able to shatter an innocent heart of someone who put your needs first above all else, someone who cared for you in your time of need someone who was willing to die for you? A mother loves their children unconditionally so does God, is your party life and sinful desires more important than Gods love?

He’s calling you, all you have to do is hear what he has to say and you never know you might just want to let him in…




Live to honor his name. 

Romans 5:8-
 "But God commends his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

Romans 6:23-
 "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

Mark 12:30-
 "And thou shall love the Lord thy God with all their heart, and with all their soul, and with all their mind, and with all their strength: this is the first commandment."