Home Sickness
Why am I so homesick? For no it is not my household that I long to enter, for nothing created by man in this world do I desire to cling to. My wish is to be at my true home for this world is not where I belong. Now some may be thinking oh good heavens this girl is suicidal, no I must assure you that I do not have any attentions to kill myself, for simply what I mean is that I can not wait until I am away from this sinful universe and be placed by my fathers side in heaven. You see God is my home, and oh how hard is it too truly connect with your "hometown" with all these sinful, and earthly distractions. Every act I make that is against God's will pulls me farther and farther away from home. So therefore I am "home-sick". You see God says to us that we can keep in touch with him on Earth through his holy spirit, apart of him can walk in us! All we must do is pick up our crosses daily and follow him, sounds simple right? One may think so, it takes so much strength to follow God the amazing thing though is we don't have to do it along for our strength if we allow it comes from God. Yet you do have to leave everything that blackens your soul behind you honestly if your not willing to give that life of sin up then its going to be so impossible to gain in touch with your hometown. You see there is so many people in this world that suffer from Home-Sickness and don't even realize it; every sin they make drawls them farther from the gates of home-the gates of heaven. There's nothing God wants more than to see his child return home to him, but he can't force us to return (well he can he's just so awesome he lets us decided for ourselves). Cure your craving to return to your makers presence by using the resources he gave us to be able to keep in touch with him. Read his word it does give us a sense as to what he wants us to do, how to follow him, how to be an example and educate others of their home that awaits them if they desire it. Pray to him for he always listens if you hear him or not he's there, he's everywhere you may not like what he has to offer; but man is it a pleasant feeling to know you have a connection with the God of the universe!! You see through prayer, love and becoming familiar in God's word homesickness will never be as hard as it once was for you. Shall we pray a prayer of guidance? Let us ask our great savior to give us patience in our time of loneliness and confusion. Lord as we stumble we yearn more and more to learn. To learn of your promises that we are impatiently waiting to be fulfilled. Provide us with your given peace so we can please you as your will allows. Our wish is to be by our creators side yet we know you want us to stay here at least for today anyway. You have placed us to serve, so again Lord we cry out to you oh we plead to thee give us the desire to follow all your pathways that we may come across until it is time for us to return home for we pray Lord that one day you will take us and all of our fellow brothers and sisters to where we belong.
My brothers and sisters do not be frightened when you are uncertain of what is to come, for nothing is greater than our heavenly farther..
Genesis 28:15
"Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”Jeremiah 29:11-12
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you."
"By the Holy Spirit who dwells within us, guard the good deposit entrusted to you."
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